2. Contemporary Art Ruhr 2008
"Ayor - Schoenheit des Selbstbestimmten, oder reale märchenhafte Geschichten"
Cooperation with Agency Yorckberlin.
Contemporary Art Ruhr
14th - 16th November 2008
Welterbe Zollverein, Hallen 12, 5, 6 und Zollverein School
Zeche Zollverein, Gelsenkirchener Straße 181, 45309 Essen, Germany
5. Berliner Kunstsalon 2008
Cooperation with Agency Yorckberlin.
5. Berliner Kunstsalon
October 30th.10 ~ November 3rd. 2008
Opening: October 29th. 2008, at 17:00 (entrance free)
Opening time: Thursday to Sunday 14:00~22:00, Monday 12:00~20:00.
Location: Humboldt-Umspannwerk
Kopenhagener Str. 56
10439 Berlin
Olympic Fine Arts 2008
Beijing, China
Cooperation with Agency Yorckberlin.
Ceremonial Celebration : 11.August, 14h
The honourable International Olympic Committee ( I.O.C. ) is patroness of the Olympic Fine Arts 2008 exhibition. At the day of the grand-opening the Ministry of Culture of VR CHINA excluded the watercolour drawing GO WEST! by Beijing-born artist Muskboy from its official Olympic exhibition.
A few days later the Ministry of Culture of VR CHINA also decided that the artwork GO WEST! will not be published in the official Olympic Fine Arts 2008 catalogue, and also will be excluded from the accompanying tour around the globe.
According to a spokesman of the organizing committee an official of the Ministry of Culture did turn up shortly before the grand-opening and decided, that the artwork GO WEST! created by Muskboy should be excluded immediately from the official Olympiad exhibition.
Shortly after, the Chinese interpreter of Agency Yorckberlin was informed by a spokesman of the organizing committee of Olympic Fine Arts 2008 exhibition, that the Ministry of Culture is going to ignore any communication regarding the artwork GO WEST!. The same spokesman frankly informed the Chinese interpreter of Agency Yorckberlin, that the Ministry of Culture is apparently not amused about male nudes too, ( especially the one with the butt exposed and a male hand, probably touching another butt ) in front of the Chinese flag.
Besides, the resting young man seems to be (according to the Ministry of Culture ) too powerless. Meanwhile, we have an overwhelming feedback, a lot of helping hands, all keenly interested in knowing the official reasons of censorship, and how we can shape together a firm guideline for a censorhipless Olympic Fine Arts exhibitions in the future.
Gallery MooiMan
From 3. August ~ 21.September 2008, extended to 24. Oktober 2008
Exhibition together with sports and art photographer Ewoud Broeksma in Galerie MooiMan in the Netherlands.
Vernissage: Sunday, August 3rd, 2008
officially opened at 16:00 by Mr.Jan Griffioen, photographer.
Gallery MooiMan
Noorderstationsstraat 40
9717 KP Groningen
The Netherlands
5.May to 18.July 2008
Jackwerth Verlag GmbH&Co.KG
im Kutscherhaus
Tempelhofer Ufer 11
10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Finissage: Wednesday 16. July. 2008, 19:00
FSK !8 - Queer Erotic Art Exhibition
Cooperation with Agency Yorckberlin.
for the ColognePride 2008 and with the Kölner Lesben- und Schwulentag e.V. (KLuST) ...
FENZ freier Kunstraum
22. June - Fr, 11. July. 2008
Zechenstraße 11
51103 Cologne
the Art Auction 2008
In favour of the Berliner Aids-Help e.V.
Cooperation with Agency Yorckberlin.
Thursday, 22th. May 2008
Beginning of the Auction: 19:30
Akademie der Künste
Pariser Platz 4
10117 Berlin-Mitte
"Goodbye To Yesterday" - Tease Art Fair 2008 Köln
Cooperation with Agency Yorckberlin.
2. Tease Art Fair
17th. to 20th. 04. 2008
Opening: 16th. 04. 2008, 18:00
RheinTriadem am Hauptbahnhof
Konrad Adenauer Ufer 3 am Rhein
50668 Cologne
"Aus fernen Ländern"
Group-exhibition in ZIK-Orangerie
3. February ~ 28. March 2008
ZIK-Orangerie, Reichenberger Str.129, 10999 Berlin
< 2005-2007 2009 >